A leisurely Mexican holiday takes a turn for the worse when a group of friends and a fellow tourist embark on a remote archaeological dig in the jungle, where something evil lives among the ruins.
"The Ruins" on Wikipedia IMDb
The Escape Plan (WIWHD)
devan • 7 years ago
Jeff, Eric, Amy, Stacy and Mathias were effectively being held hostage at the top of the temple monument (probably for good reason). However, they completely missed a huge "escape strategy" opportunity. Throughout the film it was clear that there were several stone walls on the top of the monument, comprised of many hundreds of rocks.
Especially in the beginning, they had enough manpower and were in an excellent, elevated offensive position to throw dozens of softball-sized rocks at the hostile Mayan villagers while the edges of the temple monument would have provided excellent cover from projectiles, almost like a castle. After an hour of "raining rocks" onto the villagers they would have been defeated or would have temporarily retreated long enough for the Americans to run to the truck to escape.
However, if they did successfully escape, could the killer plants infect the entire world?
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